Our School Day – September 2023
8.35am |
Gate is opened children go straight to class |
8.45am |
Registration |
8.45am – 10.20am |
Lessons & Daily Worship |
10.20am – 10.40am |
Break |
10.40am – 12noon |
Lessons |
12noon – 1pm |
Lunchtime |
1pm – 3:10pm |
Lessons |
3:10pm |
End of school |
Being at school every day and on time is really important to a child’s learning, we expect children to be on time every day. The school gates are open from 8.35am children go straight to class ready for registration at 8.45am. Children who arrive at school after 8.45am must enter via the school office where parent/carers will need to sign the late book, stating the reason for being late. A member of the school office will escort your child to class. At home time the gates will be opened at 3:10pm adults collect their child from outside their classroom where they will be dismissed by a member of staff.
Need to speak to a class teacher?
If you need to speak to your child’s class teacher, please see them at the end of the school day. If the message is more urgent then it can be sent to them via the school office. Alternatively, you can make an appointment to see your class teacher at a mutually convenient time, again this will need to be booked via the school office.
Medical Appointments
We ask parents to make medical appointments outside the school day wherever possible. If children do have to go out of school during the school day then they must be signed in and out at the school office. When appointments are in the middle of the day a child should come to school before the appointment and come back to school afterwards. Appointment letters must be sent to the school office so that the absence can be marked as ‘authorised’ in the register.
Jewellery and make-up
The only jewellery allowed to be worn at school are watches and studs for ear-rings, hoops and dangling ear-rings are not allowed due to health and safety rules. If ear-rings are worn they must be removed for PE and swimming lessons. Make-up, including nail varnish, should not be worn at school.
School Meals
School meals are provided by Edwards & Ward Catering and are cooked on the premises https://www.st-leonards-dunston.staffs.sch.uk/school-meals/, alternatively children may bring a packed lunch. Children are supervised by lunchtime supervisors whilst eating and afterwards on the playground until 1pm when lunchtime ends. Milk and fruit is provided for Early Years and KS1 children can have 1 piece of fruit each day.